In Florida there are both, charter captain licenses and charter boat licenses. Continue reading and learn more about them, and why they are important, from the experts of Above The Sea.
What is a charter boat license in Florida?
A charter boat license is a credential issued by the U.S. Coast Guard, which allows you to become a Charter Boat Captain.
According to the U.S. Coast Guard website, a Charter Boat Captain is an individual who commands a small vessel as a master, captain, or skipper and may contain a sailing endorsement for sailing vessels and/or a commercial towing endorsement for vessels engaged in assistance towing.
Eligibility criteria for obtaining a charter boat captain license in Florida take into account some items, which include the following:
Total days of service
Waters served upon
Tonnage of the vessels
In addition, there are several categories of licenses issued by the U.S. Coast Guard:
OUPV (6-pack): Is the certificate for the National Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessel (OUPV) of Less Than 100 GRT category. This is the most appropriate for uninspected passenger vessels of six (6) or less passengers for hire. It is suitable for charter fishing, whale watching, SCUBA diving, and tour cruises.
Limited OUPV: Is the certificate for the National Limited Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessel (OUPV) of Not More Than 100 GRT category. It may be issued to those employed by organizations such as yacht clubs, marinas, formal camps, and educational institutions, limited to the specific activity and locality of the camp, yacht club, or marina.
Master 25-200 Near Coastal: Is the most appropriate license for operating small passenger vessels that hold a United States Coast Guard Certificate of Inspection and carry more than six (6) passengers in waters close to the coastline (usually, state waters). It is suitable for charter boats, small ferries, dinner boats, and whale watch vessels.
Master 25-200 Inland: Is the most appropriate license for operating small passenger vessels that hold a United States Coast Guard Certificate of Inspection and carry more than six (6) passengers operating in bays, rivers, lakes and other inland waters. It is also suitable for charter boats, small ferries, dinner boats, and whale watch vessels.
Limited Master: Is the certificate for the National Limited Master (Ltd Master) of Not More Than 100 GRT category, for vessels of not more than 100 gross tons. It may be issued to applicants to be employed by organizations, such as yacht clubs, marinas, formal camps, and educational institutions.
What is a charter captain license in Florida?
According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), Charter Captain Licenses are official certificates that allow licensed captains to go from boat to boat to do business. A current Coast Guard License to Operate or Navigate Passenger Carrying Vessel License must be provided in order to purchase these licenses.
Any vessel then used by a charter captain to do business must be commercially registered or have a U.S. Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation with a commercial designation.
Which are the charter captain license requirements in Florida?
In Florida, the minimum charter captain license requirements are as follows:
Minimum age: 18 years old.
General labor requirements: Have legal status to work in the U.S.
Specific labor requirements: Acquire a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) card, pass a Coast Guard-approved course and demonstrate you have a minimum of 360 days experience on the water.
Health and Physical requirements: Pass a drug test and get a certification in adult CPR and basic first aid.
Be aware that you your charter captain license can be denied under certain circumstances, such as:
Drug abuse or drug trafficking: If the U.S. Coast Guard determines you have a problematic record or trend of drug consumption, suggesting a clear pattern, you can be disqualified to obtain a charter captain license in Florida. If you are caught in drug trafficking activities, you can be criminally prosecuted under state and federal laws.
Health conditions: Your physician has to certify you have a good health and physical condition. Some health conditions, such as sleep apnea or certain heart issues or diseases are potential disqualifiers to obtain a charter captain license in Florida.
Medication use: If you are under medical treatment for some diseases or are taking medications for some health conditions, such as chronic pains, the approval of your charter captain license could be suspended or deferred, until your health condition improves or the treatment is over.
In Florida a charter captain license can cost from $201.50 up to $801.50, depending on the number of customers served.
Table 1. Fees by type of charter captain licenses in Florida (updated Feb. 2025)
Nº of passengers
Fee (as February 2025)
Charter Captain
4 or fewer customers
Charter Captain
10 or fewer customers
Charter Captain
11 or more customers
Source: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)
How much is a charter boat license in Florida?
In Florida a charter boat license also can cost from $201.50 up to $801.50, depending on the number of customers served.
Table 2. Fees by type of charter boat licenses in Florida (updated Feb. 2025)
Nº of passengers
Fee (as February 2025)
Charter Boat
4 or fewer customers
Charter Boat
6 or fewer customers
Charter Boat
10 or fewer customers
Charter Boat
11 or more customers
Source: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)
The asterisk indicates types of charter boat licenses issued to Coast Guard inspected vessels only.
What the saltwater charter license authorizes in Florida?
According to the FWC, the saltwater charter license authorizes:
The vessel license holder to carry up to the number of fishing passengers specified on the license.
The number of customers specified on the FWC vessel license to take, attempt to take, or possess a limit of saltwater fish or organisms for non-commercial purposes without purchasing a recreational saltwater fishing license.
A person who holds the “Charter Captain” License does not need to purchase his own recreational saltwater fishing license to recreationally fish from a vessel. He may use his “Charter Captain” because it’s tied to him, this does not apply to a Charter Boat/Vessel License.
However, to possess a saltwater charter license in Florida does not authorize the holder to:
Harvest in commercial quantities or the sale of fish.
Passengers (whether licensed, not licensed, or exempt from licensure) in excess of the number specified on the FWC vessel license to take, attempt to take, or possess a limit of saltwater fish or organisms (even if licensed by the USCG to carry more paying passengers).
The captain and crew to take, attempt to take, or possess a limit of fish or organisms under the vessel license.
Freshwater fishing guides.
What are federal waters in Florida?
Federal waters are the bodies of water where the federal government has direct authority to enforce the laws, while the state waters are under the authority of each state administration.
According to the FWC, Florida state waters are from shore to 3 nautical miles on the Atlantic and from shore to 9 nautical miles on the Gulf. In most places, federal waters extend from where state waters end out to about 200 nautical miles or to where other country’s waters begin.
It is very important to know the laws applicable to federal waters and state waters, especially those regarding water sports and other recreational activities, such as fishing and scuba diving.